2007年8月1日 星期三

Area D1 first Council meeting record

Division D Area1 Council Meeting                    2007,07,29

Chairperson: Linda Lin

Participants: KTC: President, Scott Chen

                MVP, Jack Yen

           STTC: President, Allen Wu

                 EVP, Elaine Chen

                 IPP, Tammy Tsai

           TYTC: President, Kevin

                 EVP, Alan

                 MVP, Steve

           PTC: President, Sally Chiu

Record: Tammy Tsai


Discussion Issue: The Division Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest


We will hold Division Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on Oct. 20 at 圓山俱樂部. D3 is responsible for "hardware" including equipment, certificate, reception and refreshment. D1 is responsible for "software" the agenda.

The first thing we have to do is to invite two members to be Contest Chairs. Every club has to recommend two experienced members and mail the name list and background to Linda Lin, our D1 governor.


Contest chair's duty is to arrange the contest agenda and has to make sure things as below:

1.      Every club contestant's name and speech title

2.      To invite a member to be the chief judge and ask him/her to invite at least 5 members to be judges and a tie breaking judge.

3.      2 timers, 3 score counters and 3 SAA.

4.      Evaluation Contest Chair has to invite a member to be the test speaker.


Ps. Next council meeting is at 14:00pm on Sept. 16. Where to go Linda will inform us in advance.


Meeting adjourned .  




STTC coming events

Dear fellow officers,
第二次Officer meeting預定8/29日(三)PM1930 統一夢時代購物中心藍鯨館二樓藝術特區奇美博物館咖啡廳

有任何問題, 歡迎隨時與我聯絡!

*      Scien Tech In-club contest which will be held on 11 Sep, 2007.


Allen Wu

KTC coming events

Dear All:
Greeting from KTC. Here some KTC club event would like let you know,
Please inform your members, if they like to attend those special meeting

1) Aug /10 (Friday) Club Debate
 Subject: Men should be better leader than women

2) Aug/24 (Friday) Evaluation workshop 
 Conduct by Y.H Chen

3) Sep/14 In club evaluation and humorous contest
 KTC EVP 2007-2008
Debbie Tsai

2007年7月31日 星期二

Division D News Blog is open~

dear leaders

here is Division D news blog


please add the hyperlink in your club websites

There are 3 parts is this blog.

1. main part is Divison D news, I open the authority for Area level.
  Area governor (assistant governor) can post announcement by email

2. Division D calendar , you can check time and venue when our division hold events/meetings

3. message board, I open the authority for everyone. Every visitors can leave meassages.

I am still trying groups newsletter function....I need some time~

hope you can use this blog often!




以下是division D 的 部落格


請各個CLUB 能在自家的網頁上增加這個超連結

這個部落格 可分為三大部分

1. 左邊是公告欄 我開放權限給 AREA LEVEL 的人員。AREA level 可以直接用email 上傳來貼公告
2.右上方是行事曆,若Division D 有任何活動,你可以在此看到時間地點。
3.右下方的留言板 這是開放給所有人 輸入使用者名稱 在下方訊息欄留言後 按送出就可以留言。




Jonathan Chen,